Taxi Llahuar to Cabanaconde (Daily Service)

Arrange in advance your transfer from Llahuar Lodge to Cabanaconde. Explore the bottom of the Canyon and rest sure to have an organized transfer to return to Cabanaconde.


Transfer Llahuar to Cabanaconde

You can book in advance a taxi service from Llahuar lodge to Cabanaconde. Most people hike to llahuar lodge and they want a service back to Cabanaconde, the local bus is not departing everyday and this service will fit for you to ensure your way back from Llahuar to Cabanaconde. We offered this service only from 07am to 17:00pm. Not just any car can go down to llahuar because the route is rought and you need a good car to drive this route.

Service offered:

Daily departure from 07:00 am to 17:00pm


This ride Llahuar to Cabanaconde takes 1hrs 40m


$70.00 usd *max 4 people

Price Group:

$110.00 usd *minimun 5 people max. 7 people

Type of Car:

Toyota Hilux / Ford Explorer 4x4 / Ford Econoline / Nissan Frontier 4x4


We pick you up near LLahuar lodge at Turuna, walking 10 minutes at Turuna spot. We used the route which goes up to Cabanaconde, you will see great views of Colca Canyon. This ride takes approx. 1 hr 40 m. You can use the pick up time from 07:00 am to 17:00.

What Other Options from Llahuar to Cabanaconde

Definetly your best option is to arrange a private taxi, also this service should be booked in advance since there are not many cars available in town. Pachamama Hostel offers only 3 Cars available. Cabanaconde is a small village and not so many options for transportation.

Another option is to take a small minibus, but this service is not everyday and you can not rely on this service since there were many time people just wait and the bus never came.

Do not expect Hitch Hike, this route is randomly used by cars and hitch hike is often here, unless you are lucky and find a car going up, but also keep in mind that this is not free, in Peru hitch hike is a must pay service.

Why this service is expensive?

Only a 4x4 car can do this service and the conditions of the route in this part is terrible and bumpy and mainly the maintenance is more expensive. The service for us takes 4 hrs since the moment we depart from Cabanaconde to Llahuar and the way back. It is a reasonable price. On this service is included 18% taxes.

Llahuar directlly to Chivay

This service is also possible, we pick you up at Llahuar lodge and continue to Chivay, From Llahuar to Chivay takes 3 hrs. Price for this private service *max 4 people costs $120.00 usd. Please contact us for Taxi from Llahuar to Chivay.

Payment - Policies - Cancellations

Proceed payment with paypal only if you got a confirmation

Taxi Llahuar - Cabanaconde

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Ⓒ Ludwig Betalleluz Uribe

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Map of the taxi distance from Llahuar to Cabanaconde
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