Bus Chivay to Puno with NATIVA EXPRESS

Dayly departure Chivay to Puno with Nativa Express with beautiful stops, safe trip and confortable. Buy online here.

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Nativa Express Chivay to Puno

If you are visiting Colca Canyon you can continue your trip to Puno and we can help you to book this service.

Nativa Express bus service departs from Chivay to Puno at 13:00 from the main square of Chivay. This is a new service and offers a good alternative bus service to reach Puno. it also stops in Patapampa where you will get a nice view of the volcanoes and stops also at Lagunillas lagoon to observe flamengos. .


The bus Nativa Express offers daily departure from Chivay at 13:00 and it reaches Puno at 20:00. The service offers 2 stops on the way to Puno and you can enjoy the views of the Andes. The bus offers confortable seats, toilet and professional drivers.

About the Bus:

The bus offers panoramic windows, reclining seats, toilet and seat belts.

Departure Dates:

Daily Departure from Monday to Sunday at 13:00 From Chivay

Depart Chivay:

13:00 (main square, next to the church)

Arrival Puno: 

20:00 near the main square.

Itinerary Bus Chivay to Puno

bus from Chivay to Puno Transport Chivay to Puno
Bus Nativa Express Chivay to Puno

How to go from Colca - Cabanaconde - Chivay to Puno?

Firstable, there is not any local bus from Chivay to Puno and your only best way is to arrange the tourist bus from Chivay to Puno with Nativa Express or 4m Express.

From Cabanaconde to Puno, also not local or public buses. You can take a tourist bus service we offer, check here Bus Cabanaconde to Puno which it also consist in taking the service at 9:30am and change the bus at 13:00 from Chivay to Puno.

Another posibility is taking a bus back to Arequipa, i guess it is not a best option since you must take a bus, 7 hrs to Arequipa, you will waste time, but that is an option.

How does the refund work when I purchase your service?

Down below you can read our Policies and Cancellations

Payment - Policies - Cancellations

How to book the bus Chivay to Puno?

Contact us by email: colcapachamama@gmail.com or click the button Contact us and send us the information we need: Full names, date of the service and nationality.

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Bus From Chivay to Puno with Nativa Express 13:00

Ⓒ Ludwig Betalleluz Uribe

Get from Chivay to Puno
Nativa Bus departs at 13:00 from Chivay to Puno
puno colca transport
Nativa express bus offers good seats
bus chivay colca canyon
4m-express bus to Colca - Patapampa, best view of volcanoes
Enjoy a tour from Chivay to Puno with Vicunas view.
4m - express bus Chivay to Puno
Stops to see Alpacas
Local Bus from Chivay Puno
Nativa Express Bus offers the best service from Chivay to Puno
On the way Chivay to Puno we stop to see flamingos
Bus Nativa Express - Chivay to Puno
Nativa Express Colca to Chivay
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