Bus Chivay to Puno with 4m-Express

We offer daily departure at 13:00 with 4m - Express from Chivay to Puno with beautiful stops, safe trip and confortable. Ensure here your bus tickets during the high season .

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Bus 4M - Express Chivay to Puno

4M-Express offers daily departure from Chivay to Puno at 13:00 from Hotel La Pascana. This service it is not only a transfer but it is a tour where you will stops in some viewpoints on the way to Puno. You will have the best experience journey to reach from Chivay (Colca) to Puno.

This service suits to all tourist who are visiting Colca Canyon and wants to continue to Puno without returning to Arequipa. You would safe plenty of time and enjoy from a nice journey to Puno

We organize your bus tickets in advance and ensure this service 100%.


4m - Express Bus departs from Chivay to Puno at 13:00 from the Hotel La Pascana. The Journey will make its first stop at Patapampa 4,800m to see the volcanoes. It continues to Pampa Cañahuas where stops for a box lunch. From now on the bus takes the main route to reach Puno and it will make it is final stop at Lagunillas (see flamingos). You will be arriving to Juliaca at 18:30 and you reach Puno at 19:30 at the bus terminal to Puno

About the Bus:

The bus offers panoramic windows, a modern climate control system and interior lighting, reclining seats, toilet and seat belts.

Departure Dates:

Daily Departure from Monday to Sunday at 13:00 From Hotel La Pascana (Chivay)

Depart Chivay:

13:00 (Hotel La Pascana)

Arrival Puno: 

19:30 at the Bus Terminal of Puno

Itinerary Bus Chivay to Puno

Chivay to Puno Direct Bus Chivay to Puno Direct Bus
4m - Express Chivay to Puno

What is the best way to get to Puno from Chivay?

The best and fastest way to get to Puno from Chivay is definitely the tourist bus. You can find a few companies offering this bus tours, but we only work and recommend 4m-express bus for the best service and the best buses.

What time does the bus departs from Chivay to Puno?

Most of tourist buses depart at 13:00, this is the only time available to reach Puno. If you are in Cabanaconde and want to catch the bus to Puno you can depart at 07:00 am local bus Reyna or 09:00 am. We also offer the Tourist Bus from Cabanaconde to Puno

Are there any public bus from Chivay to Puno?

For the moment there is not any local or public bus to reach from Chivay to Puno. Some people return back to Arequipa and take a bus for cheaper, but it takes time. You can also reach from Chivay to Pampa Cañahuas (1 hrs 30m from Chivay) and wait for buses which comes from Arequipa, but there is also a risk since not many buses can pick you up from that point or they might be full.

Your best option if you want to safe time it is the tourist buses.

How long does it take from Chivay to Puno?

The journey with tourist stops from Chivay to Puno takes 6rs 30m. If you you are driving and you continue straight this trip takes 5hrs. The distance from Chivay to Puno is 297km.

What is the price for the bus 4M-express Chivay to Puno?

Price will depend of the season and the type of service since 4m offers 2 different services. Feel free to contact us to provide more information about purchasing the bus tickets from Chivay to Puno.

How does the refund work when I purchase your service?

Down below you can read our Policies and Cancellations

Payment - Policies - Cancellations

How to book the bus Chivay to Puno?

Contact us by email: colcapachamama@gmail.com or click the button Contact us and send us the information we need: Full names, date of the service and nationality.

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Bus From Chivay to Puno with 4m-express

Ⓒ Ludwig Betalleluz Uribe

puno colca transport
Travel Safe from Chivay to Puno with 4m-Express
Get from Chivay to Puno
Transfer from Chivay to Puno with the best service 4m - Express
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4m-express bus to Colca - Patapampa, best view of volcanoes
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4m - express bus Chivay to Puno
The transport 4m stops to see Alpacas
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4m-bus offers the best service from Chivay to Puno
On the way Chivay to Puno we stop to see flamingos
Bus 4M - Chivay to Puno
4M-express Colca to Chivay
4m Express-bus
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